7 takes to catch up

7 takes to catch up June 8, 2012

I think its been a busy week but I can’t really remember. My mom and dad are here and yesterday they drove down to NJ to pick up my Great Aunt and bring her up here for a visit. So that’s very exciting and wonderful, and the explanation for why I’ve barely popped open my computer except to check my email, and even then I’ve been forgetting to do that.


I have been rather successfully keeping school going. I’m dreading the moment we finish everything and the multitude of the Kennedy children can wake up and careen around purposeless and triumphant. Some of them are already negotiating the level of their academic pursuits over the summer.
“Half an hour of reading” Alouicious has decreed, “no math, no writing.”
“We’ll see,” I’ve said, “But whatever it is will definitely be more than half an hour of reading.”
On the whole this year has been pretty good. (‘High praise indeed,’ you might scoff, unless you homeschool, in which case you know what I’m talking about.)


And I’ve sorted out my next school year, and planned when to buy what I’m going to buy. And I’ve deep cleaned my school room. And I finished the Great Clothes Change Over of 2012. But no I haven’t weeded my garden, or planned Summer Sunday School (still accepting teachers, all you Good Shepherdians!), or gotten a handle on the laundry, or removed the horrible green marker dots from Glady’s lovely pink dress, or clipped the dogs heavy coats of hair and given them a bath (Rain Rain! Go Away!).

Speaking of which, here is the little pom. Cute, if loud. But he is cured of barking on walks. Now he weeps at not being allowed to bark. And he is eating and sleeping comfortably.
He must be mixed with something. From all the pictures of Pomeranians I’ve looked at, he doesn’t look exactly like that and his body is too squat I think. Anyway, there he is. Or rather, here he is with us.
I’m trying to read, or rather listen to, the Bible chronologically. This is the second time I’ve started (like a Pharisee, I never make it past Deuteronomy) so I’ve blown through the first 90 days of the plan in three weeks. I started this years ago when Jessica blogged so beautifully about it and I thought, ‘Oh, that will make me so spiritually mature, like her’ but then, obviously, here I am, three years later, still in the Pentateuch. Anyway, I finished Deuteronomy This Morning. So now I have only to click forward with my mouse, instead of sabotaging myself by going backwards.
 As part of the Great Clothes Change Over of 2012 I came across a bin of pre-marriage skinny clothes and……..I fit back into them. I almost wept with hope and wonder. And also wept because even though I can get into them, they don’t look the same as they did so long ago. My shape has been irreparably altered by the six enormous human beings I’ve given life to. And, what a joy and wonder that’s been. Anyway, I am heartened because I’ve been eating less food, which, if you read the books, you have to do to get skinnier, and walking up the wretched hill. And I’ve been hating every minute of it. But I think its been worth it. Of course, having written it down in a blog, I’ll probably accidentally eat a whole cake today and balloon out. But there it is, marked in time and space, Anne Got Skinnier one time.
Matt’s parents are moving out of their lovely and beautiful home this weekend. They sold it very quickly when it went on the market, so quickly they haven’t found the next house of their dreams. Matt looks like he could use a cake to cheer him up (just kidding, he hates cake! Don’t bring cake! He won’t eat it but I will! Srsly! NO CAKE!) and I’m sure they could use your prayers as they move into an apartment and keep house hunting. Don’t you just hate change? And yet God is always asking us to change and be different and grow. I think some time he should just let us sit and not move house or anything.
And on that note, go check out Jen and have a lovely weekend!

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