
ar·bor·vi·tae June 16, 2012

 On Tuesday, a very cool awesome backhoe came to our yard to pull up and replant a hedge of arborvitaes.

 They were pulled right up out of the ground and carried along and replanted along the back fence of the church property. It rained and rained and rained as a something like 14 trees were pulled up and replanted.

 We all came out and watched for a while in the rain, trying to keep well out of the way. Marigold had to be held because she was afraid of the back hoe. She worked on saying ‘back hoe’ all day. What a helpful word to have on hand. Last night she worked hard on saying ‘pizza cutter.’ Language is so interesting.

 So amazing, how the tree dances along through the air, before being rooted back into the ground.

 Here they are basically all in place. While all this was going on, Elphine was baking her brownies (God help us).

Here was the fence before the trees.

 Here we are, looking back at the house, the trees all gone. It looks very bare and exposed, but a fence is going to go in later. Meanwhile, there’s a huge stretch of grass upon which to run races.

 Here they were, right before they were moved.
 The Long View.
 By the end of the day, they were soaked through and mud covered.
 This is still my favorite bit, tree after tree, dancing through the air.

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