Things aren’t too bad.

Things aren’t too bad. April 1, 2014

Are there no memes for a Tuesday? Everyone is sick, including me. In an effort to cope, here are ten things for which I am thankful.

1. None of my children have died, had surgery, or are chronically sick. I am really pathetically grateful for this and will spend ten minutes today praying for the children of the world and their parents.

2. My husband, likewise, is alive and has not left me for a younger floozier model. Instead of leaving me, he did the dishes last night, even though he is set up to have a rough week.

3. The dog, though he smells like hades, is nevertheless a nice creature. He will, therefore, be having a comprehensive bath to deal with whatever the smell is. Even though I did not sleep all night as a result of the smell, nevertheless, I am basicslly grateful that he exists.

4. The house in which we dwell is warm and clean and even a little possessed of order.

5. Four out of the six children can read. Two of them like to. One of them likes to do math. One of them is naturally curious. All of them can get dressed alone and put on shoes and stuff. All of them like Jesus. None of them are super rebellious and angry. All of them seem to like me even though I yell too much.

6. Even though it snowed twelve inches, the trees still seem to be showing signs of life. It's possible that winter will someday end.

7. I finished school way too early and am just doing stuff I feel like doing now. Baseball and school will not be in conflict.

8. The classrooms at church are finished and half painted. There is every likelihood we will be in them on Sunday.

9. Jesus has changed the lives of the people at Good Shepherd in some remarkable ways. The church seems really devoted to Jesus, turned out towards the community, and curious to know and understand the scripture.

10. God is God, and I don't have to do that job. However many times I try to do the job of God, he is merciful and doesn't strike me down, instead providing for my every need, and even some things I don't need.



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