Birthday Monday Haze

Birthday Monday Haze October 27, 2014

Not really a haze but a gorgeous sunny late fall pale chilly light blue sky. Is that too many words? It might be but who cares. Snow is forecast for Saturday and I need to cope as best I can. Marigold is officially five today. She’s been pretty chatty lately, adjusting her “I don’t think little kids who are throw up sick should have to clean” (meaning herself, she is a little well timed bundle of passive aggressiveness) to “big kids who are coughing a lot should get to have medicine.”

“It’s true that you are a big kid,” I reposted, “but you’re not coughing that much.”

She came and sat on me last night, heavily, leaning the full weight of her angular little self into my shoulder, and talked and talked and talked. I was too tired to know what she was really saying. She’s turning out to be a pretty interesting little, I’m sorry, big, person. She weighs slightly less than her thunkish little sister, of whom she is rightly afraid. Her favorite color is blue and she likes to push this horrible squeaky army car around the house, driving me purposely crazy. But in temperament she is sweet and basically kind and abundantly interested in Jesus. “We like Jesus better than God,” she said yesterday, “cept Jesus is God.” She paused. “Well” she said, “we really love Jesus and Jesus is God. So we love God.”

So we’re going to carve a big pumpkin, and give her a bunch of nice presents, including a suitcase, which was at the top of her list. She wants a Bermilla Birthday Cake. Maybe I’ll have Elphine make it since I hate making cake so much. I’m not sure what she wants to eat. She told me but I didn’t write it down. And we’ll also buzz around and clean the house ahead of this most busy week. Only one child has a Halloween costume assembled. I’m refusing to pay out money this year. Everyone has to find something in the house to wear in their candy gathering. I will mend and adjust but I don’t intend to lighten my wallet when it will be too dark and cold to see what they have on anyway. Elphine wants to be a mountain warrior and I don’t think we can buy that for love or money. And the stupid baby wants to be the stupid runaway bunny. I have ears but that’s all. So, I guess I have a lot to do and should bustle around and do it. Have a happy happy Monday!


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