A Good Cold

A Good Cold February 23, 2015

In a major stupor this morning, not completely unexpected, including a sore throat, hurty ears, and wool between the eyes, as it were. The words I am probably groping towards are Common Cold. Have been lying here thinking I could just not get up, but that possibility sounds ghastly. It's probably better to shuffle around in a circle at least pretending to cope, rather than to lie here waiting for death. Mercifully and wonderfully, as a veteran, cough, homeschooler, I can function on auto pilot in the way of listening to children read out loud or plunk away dysfunctionally at the piano. I can whisper “Clean Up” rather than shout it. I can fling flour into the mixer without knowing whereof my right hand or my left hand. I can also sit in my chair with my headphones plugged in, pretending to work.

Honestly, and this just shows what a sick human being I am (that's just a little joke), I prefer to have something small go wrong to complain about. It is unnerving to be the picture of health and to be facing down a quiet normal week. Something terrible is bound to happen. Better to establish up front that it's just going to be a light cold. My superstitious nature prefers it this way.

And, just to continue enumerating why a cold is a Good Thing, last week was long and sad and I need a reason to continue on tragically and languidly, not leaping up in joy, but puttering along in depression and sobriety. Eating soup, as it were, not dancing around with a jig.

Plus, you might remember, I cleaned the whole wretched house last week, and my mixer is broken. So I really can't do anything anyway. I might as well give in and enjoy the misery.

Anyway, be assured that I will resume my relentless way of blogging this week, and that I will have plenty to say about the library, because I have lost another book, and that I have been thinking about The Prayer of Jonah.

Pip Pip. I'm off to Aldi to buy stuff I don't need and forget stuff I do.

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