Saturday on the Scintillating Links

Saturday on the Scintillating Links March 12, 2016

Having neglected to gather links for last Saturday, I rather outdid myself this week, going too far the other way. Someday I will achieve balance and sobriety, not swinging wildly back and forth between too much and too little, but today is not that day. Also, I suckered Matt into doing a little podcast with me. I hate being behind the times, and podcasts really seem to be The Thing right now. I know I am addicted to them. So welcome to the first ever

Preventing Grace Podcast 

and you can compare it to a real podcast, done by clever and interesting Anglicans, The Anglican Forum. Or rather, Don’t Compare, just find them both wonderful.

Melanie wrote an excellent piece this week on the eating of chocolate crosses at Easter time. You may not be Catholic, and you may not have children, but you can still eat a chocolate cross and revel in the sensory goodness of the glory of God. It’s going to be Easter. Eating chocolate is part of the feast. Eating it in the shape of the cross is even better.

And this went round at the beginning of the week and I thought it most interesting and rather wish I had time to read the book. Not being a morning person isn’t morally bad. It isn’t. Leave me alone.

Do you wish you could tweet as brilliantly as Donald Trump? I know I do. Here’s the formula.

Here is a very good exposition by Ace of how he went from being Trump Curious to not any longer wanting the Trumpocalypse. It was helpful to me to unstangle my own thoughts and feelings.

Do you wish you could narcigete the scriptures like a pro? Here’s an oldie but a goodie to remind you how.

And finally, and most importantly, my mother, not I, should be the one blogging every day, but at least she is blogging at all, and has a shiny new website to prove it. That link is to her main page but she has lots and lots of interesting pages, so Read Them All.

I could go on but I feel the Spirit leading me, and also the puppy, to take a walk up the hill. Have a lovely day, if you like that sort of thing.

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