Obedience is Costly Podcast and Links

Obedience is Costly Podcast and Links May 1, 2017


Good Moaning Ya’ll. Woke up extra early and recorded an uber long podcast about what’s going on in the Anglican world with a side of why it matters for other Christians. We say so many things you’ll probably be amazed. Or wish that we had found something else to do, it could probably go either way.

Ok, Links. Let’s see, first up, here is some of the minutiae that we roil on about in the podcast. Here is the Truro Institute Annoucement, and here are the frequently asked questions, and here is Archbishop Foley Beach’s letter, and Bishop Guernsey’s. If you get through all of that, you will immediately be assumed into heaven.

Or you can keep reading.

Here is something interesting about why parenting doesn’t matter, thank goodness.

Here is Tish’s article again.

Here a something cool about what the future was supposed to be like. It should have been prettier and more gracious. So that’s too bad.

This is so fun.

And something depressing.

And something else depressing.

But then this will cheer you up. Watch it like a hundred times till you just start crying.

Then eat this.

And listen to this excellent sermon.

And then ask Jesus to assume you into heaven. But if you’re still here next week, there will probably be more links. Pip pip.


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