Monday on the Apocalyptic Links

Monday on the Apocalyptic Links October 16, 2017


Good Morning. It’s all gray and cloudy here, and cool, which means that children are going to cry about not having sweaters, which we forgot even existed in all the 80 degree weather. But never fear, we did up a nice podcast for you all about whether it’s worth bothering with the gospel. You know, that old historical one propagated by Jesus himself. I wonder if there’s any chance it could be useful now? You know, because everything else we’re trying is working brilliantly.

Now, let me see, how bout some links. Hoping they’re not all about Harvey Weinstein. That would be too depressing for words.

Here’s Mayim Bialik about how to survive in Hollywood without losing your soul.

And here is a program about young women going to a convent for a month.

And here’s something amusing–Harvey Weinstein is not too different from Zeus.

And here is something about PG Wodehouse, thank goodness! What a relief.

And here is something beautiful.

And something delicious.

And something literary.

And an excellent review of a book you’ll want to run out and buy.

And an excellent sermon.

Now, I must go find a sweater. Pip pip.

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