What We’re Reading Podcast And Links

What We’re Reading Podcast And Links May 28, 2018

A blessed Memorial Day to you all! For an extra super special podcast we talk about what we’re reading right now and then argue bitterly about how Matt is wrong about The Last Battle. I look forward to all of you agreeing with me. Indeed, it is hard for me to imagine how one person (Matt) could be so wrong.

Matt wants me to link this hymn, but it still doesn’t make him right.

I’m listing the books we talk about, but without links, because that would take hours.

What Matt is Reading: The Nuremberg Trial, Ann & John Tusa; The Reformation, Diarmaid MacCulloch; The Great Terror, Robert Conquest; Institutes Of the Christian Religion, John Calvin

What I am Reading: The Morals of the Story, David & Marybeth Baggett; Sound, Sin and Conversion in Victorian England, Julia Grella O’Connell; On Reading Well, Karen Swallow Prior; Moral Combat, R Marie Griffith; Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg; What She Ate, Laura Shapiro; Barchester Towers, Anthony Trollope

And now true links.

Here is a depressing thought, though probably true.

And along that note, this is also sort of depressing.

And more in the same vein.

And this is fascinating and cool.

And I always love a good take down.

Malians are the best.

Here is something I wish I could drop everything to grow.

Here is something I’ve long wanted to know how to make.

This is the best thing on the internet.

Here is an excellent sermon, and a class.

And for now, that’s all. May God make us grateful for those who have given their lives in war, and bless those who grieve their loss.

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