Monday on the Socialist Podcast and Links

Monday on the Socialist Podcast and Links March 25, 2019

Good Morning. There is a tiny ray of sunshine peering through the usual blanket of clouds. We woke up late and did a fascinating (for me anyway) podcast about Jesus being a socialist, the use of the word ‘body,’ and how I’m a failure at being a Proverbs 31 woman. It’s everything you could want for a Monday, probably.

Here is the article we start in on. And here are those ladies channeling some kind of spirit.

This is true.

And this is sort of true, but also not really, and I might blog about it later.

This is beautiful.

This is so cool.

This is so funny.

This is so important.

This looks delicious.

Here is an interesting class and a good sermon for lent.

And now I will go see if that sun is for real.

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