Purity Culture Podcast and Links

Purity Culture Podcast and Links July 22, 2019

[Used by permission of the artist who manages to capture just the right tone, I think.]

We just popped in for a brief hello and to complain about a lot of the news–mainly the I Kissed Dating Goodbye person, puritanism and purity, and why you should try to concentrate on Jesus and not yourself. Matt waxes (cough) eloquent about that man who is trying to get women to give him a Brazillian treatment and I have some things to say about the Transformed Wife. Enjoy!

Here is the Sojourners Article I mentioned.

Here is something about the transgender thing.

Here is something funny.

Here is something tragic.

I am still fascinated by this.

This was delicious.

This place is beautiful.

And that’s it for now. Back to the grindstone for me while Matt grills something delicious. Have as nice a week as you feel like having.

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