Preach Your Own Sermon Podcast And Links

Preach Your Own Sermon Podcast And Links June 28, 2021

It is an awfully hot and humid day here in Bing and I am trying not to actually die. In an effort to cope, we’ve taken up our cudgel to continue to beat the preaching horse because that’s what we do. We talk about why you should write out a manuscript and why you should do your own study and why you should do at least some pastoral care and what happens between God and the people and the preacher when you “do the work.” It’s all you could possibly expect and I hope it makes your day better in some small way.

Here are the sermon notes that we talk about.

Here is the John Piper thing.

Here is a book that looks like it might be important to read.

This is depressing.

This is shocking and weird.

This is strange and sort of cool.

My girls have been watching this over and over for some reason.

And here is a fantastic sermon and a helpful class.

And now I must rush, sorry to be so short on links! Have a nice day.

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