Christian Liberty Podcast and Links

Christian Liberty Podcast and Links July 5, 2021

Happy Fourth of July Observed! It is a bright and sunny day here in Bing and we’ve done up a decently lengthed podcast about what Christian freedom really means, how it is the same and different as civic freedom or liberty, how you should not despise people you think are gravely wrong, and how we have had enough scorn and contempt. If you managed to eschew pride in pride month, you could take up divesting yourself from scorn for the rest of the year.

Forgot to mention it, but I really loved Brant Hanson’s book Unoffendable and I think it must have been in the back of my mind.

Let’s see, this is so weird.

This is really funny.

This is interesting. Don’t know if it’s true, but I imagine it might be.

This is interesting too–someone admits in an embarrassed way to liking the Chosen.

This is horrifying.

This is old but still brilliant.

This is good.

This looks like a fun outing.

This looks delicious.

And here is an excellent sermon and a helpful class.

And that’s all there isn’t any more, at least not for today.

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