Straw People, Bible Reading, and Revoice Podcast and Links

Straw People, Bible Reading, and Revoice Podcast and Links February 8, 2022

We did podcast yesterday! We just didn’t do it at the usual time. The day got away from us, but instead of just giving up, which is what happened last week, we literally sat down in our living room (instead of our “studio”) and said a lot of things about how many times I’ve watched Revoice 2021, how much of Justin Lee I’ve imbibed on youtube, who much writing I’ve done, and then I also paused for breath and Matt talked some too. There is even some dog barking so it is everything one might expect, only a week late and on the wrong day and at the wrong time.

Let’s see, are there any links?

There’s this one. This is the best link. I think you’ll definitely love it.

Oh, and this.

Here is a helpful class and an excellent sermon.

See you tomorrow!

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