Embarrassed Self-Promotion Podcast and Links

Embarrassed Self-Promotion Podcast and Links November 23, 2020

Buy my book! Also, good moaning. Hope everyone made it successfully through the weekend and is feeling sort of cheery about the prospect of a large dinner with someone, hopefully. We have done our annual Super Special Thanksgiving Podcast in which we mostly talk about the new Nailed It, how it is different from the old one, why its totes a good book, how hard it is to read the Bible, how to cook your turkey, when to put up your Christmas tree, and how, really, you should just do what you want anyway. Also, I beg for Amazon reviews in a guilty and pathetic kind of way. Glad that’s over with! Now on to links.

This is really insane, like, in the technical, clinical definition of insanity.

This is a great piece of writing.

This is tragic.

This is cool.

This is depressing and weird.

This is also weird, but adorable…also, “orphans” is the wrong word.

Here is a turkey being cooked.

Here are some funny decorating ideas.

And here is a helpful class. Excellent sermon back next week.

Have a nice day! Or, as I said, whatever kind of day you want. I wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do. I’m going to get a free pie at the Cider Mill (can’t remember why) and then sit in a chair and contemplating the chief joy of life, which is pie.

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