May 5, 2014

I just looked at the Calender and discovered I've signed up to take the two little girls to the dentist (what was I thinking? At the same time? What is wrong with me?) and that Alouicious is supposed to play baseball at the impossible and ridiculous hour of seven thirty At Night. “Under the Big Lights” said the coach with relish and joy. In the Freezing Cold is more like it, I say with horror and hissing. Matt will have... Read more

May 2, 2014

Day Fourteen Judges 6:27 So Gideon took ten men of his servants and did as the Lord had told him. But because he was too afraid of his family and the men of the town to do it by day, he did it by night. Salvation belongs to The Lord. Salvation from running after false, wrong, inadequate, brutal gods that sit there as lumps of clay and wood. They have to be torn down, pushed over. Their presence is a... Read more

May 1, 2014

I've been meaning to post about the new amazing classrooms at church for quite a long time but one, Easter caught up with me, two, I haven't been able to get so good picture of the hallway, and three, the first Sunday that we were able to be in them, we had rather a lot of children we had never seen before (well, they had been seen before because of the tireless devotion and work of our Outreach Coordinator, but... Read more

April 30, 2014

I have a lot of stuff to do today and laying around here choosing words out of a hat and shoving them into meaningful lines in order, as usual, is not even on the list. I've undertaken, probably stupidly, to go through every item in the house again (I know I seem to be doing this all the time) and throw absolutely everything, EVERYTHING, I say waving my hands, away that we don't use and don't need and Don't Play... Read more

April 30, 2014

Day Thirteen Judges 4:21 But Jael the wife of Heber took a tent peg, and took a hammer in her hand. Then she went softly to him and drove the peg into his temple until it went down into the ground while he was lying fast asleep from weariness. So he died. Some days my tent is swept and put in order, my vat of warm milk ready for anyone who needs a drink. I would be happy to loll... Read more

April 29, 2014

Yesterday was very fine. Sunny, if way too cold. I puttered around outside and then spent the rest if the day hysterically texting and making curriculum lists and counting days and weeks and quarters and then texting some more. But the rain is rolling in again and I have some unpleasant tasks to attend to today and everyone seems fractious, so that's too bad. And King David, of the Bible, just numbered the people. In Samuel it says that God... Read more

April 29, 2014

Day Twelve Joshua 2:18 Behold, when we come into the land, you shall tie this scarlet cord in the window through which you let us down, and you shall gather into your house your father and mother, your brothers, and all your father's household. The strongest city in the ancient world, substantial stone in the baking Mediterranean Sun, solid and safe, stands as nothing before the wrathful justice of God. Jericho's wickedness had risen up to the attention of the... Read more

April 28, 2014

Here is my sermon from yesterday. Enjoy!   We'll be in John chapter 20 this morning. Some of you were out of town last week, and sadly missed the end of Mark. I commend to you the podcast. Mark leaves us abruptly at the end of his gospel. The women, having heard the news that Jesus is alive, But before seeing him flee from the tomb in fear. Mark wants us to stand close to them, before they see Jesus,... Read more

April 25, 2014

One Jen's book is coming out next week! The cover looks very pretty. As I was looking at all the lovely pictures and excitement I thought, oh, I will probably never write a book, sob, but I could do podcasts of myself reading home decorative magazines out loud. Instead of Sarcastic Devotionals for Angry or Worn Out People I could do Sarcastic Readings of Architectural Digest and spare us all from possible heresy. If Matt had turned on his phone... Read more

April 25, 2014

We memorized this last year after also memorizing a goodly portion of John 3. It seemed the obvious next text. This has a certain rhythm to it if you go over and over and over it. Anyway, we talked about the text a lot as we learned it and it may be that I sometimes descended into preachiness. Day Eleven Number 21:4-7 From Mount Hor they set out by the way to the Red Sea, to go around the land... Read more

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