June 4, 2010

One The baby has two new teeth, blast it. Two The baby is trying to crawl, blast it. Three The zucchini, of course, radishes, of course, are coming up, but the foxglove seems to be dead or against me, or something. Four Good Shepherd’s Block Party Summer Ice Cream Health Fair Extravaganza is Saturday. Hope you’ll all be there! We’re going chiefly for the awesome pony. Five Alouicious decided to read three books yesterday after whining about reading for almost... Read more

June 3, 2010

I am way sleep deprived which is allowing me, strangely enough, to feel a modicum of pity for the Presiding Whatchamacallit of the Episcopal Organization (to borrow freely from MCJ, who, by the way, just provided a bitingly sarcastic fisk). I mean, let’s be honest, we all really want to be Anglican. Whether or not any of us believe in Jesus, or love the Bible, or know what the 39 Articles say, none of us, not a single one, like... Read more

June 2, 2010

I’ve been trying to think of something to blog about for the last few days but, honestly, nothing exciting has happened worthy of mentioning. Well, other than our car dying completely. I could mention that, but its too sad to dwell on. We’re waiting for a second estimate and then we’ll have to decide whether to bite the bullet or not. Other than that I’m just anxiously watching my garden in hopes that it will grow. In many ways, I... Read more

May 28, 2010

Some of my seeds are coming up. I didn’t expect to be amazed but I’m beyond amazement, living solidly in the land of shock. As one notoriously bad with plants, the wreckage of my gardening endeavors lies behind me like a compost heap of destruction. I’ve managed to kill every single African Violet I have ever laid a hand on, plus a nice purply thing that was supposed to live forever and be able to start more plants off by... Read more

May 27, 2010

A: “Did you run the dish washer last night?”Me: “Yes I did.”A: “Well, there’s one knife that’s really dirty and that tells me that everything in the dishwasher is really dirty.”Me: “Put that knife in the sink. I know I ran the dishwasher. Not everything will be dirty.”A looking sly: “Well, it tells me that everything is probably dirty.” Read more

May 26, 2010

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May 25, 2010

I increasingly can’t move because of the cat. After ignoring me for two weeks after our trip, he climbs up on my lap every time I sit down, puts his claw-ridden paw on my chest and stares unblinkingly at me. You can’t look anywhere else, you can’t go anywhere, the claws pretty well keep you motionless (I say you, but obviously I mean me. I don’t think he does this to anyone else). If he would get up, I would,... Read more

May 24, 2010

These are in reverse order because I’m not smart enough to outwit blogger. Here is Kaw Lake in Oklahoma. It was so pretty in the evening and very calm after the gale force winds. We stayed far away from the water for convenience and ease of having children not fall in. Oklahoma was by far the best place to camp (cheap, water and electric at every sight, nice bathrooms, beautiful lakes, few government regulations and officious park rangers. In fact,... Read more

May 21, 2010

OneSo excited about the World Cup. Have entered into quadrennial arguments with husband about why soccer is the best sport ever. Plus, found awesome Ap for awesome phone allowing me to be completely disengaged from reality pursuing minute by minute news about all players. Cote d’Ivoire is playing!TwoTrying to figure out to organize my life so that I can watch soccer at 7am and 2pm every day in other locations (as we have no tv). So far I think I’ll... Read more

May 20, 2010

As I begin to type it occurs to me that I have not dealt with the mass of pictures on my computer proving that we did, in fact, camp and that we did, if fact, have a good time. I need to post them because everybody who has asked and been told that ‘it was great!’ begins to look crosswise and clearly doesn’t believe. That being the case, I did just want to point out this. Matt and I watched... Read more

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