Preview of Coming Attractions

Preview of Coming Attractions September 27, 2011

Good day all you wonderful Patheos friends, fans and visitors.

It’s been decided that, for the moment, we’ll be putting up new episodes of our webseries Prophet or Madman every Wednesday, so we though to offer a preview of coming attractions every Tuesday.  Here is the first one.  Last week we opened our series at G.A.T.E., the Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment.  Pretty high fallutin’, eh?  We called that episode GATE, The Opening, imaginatively enough.

This weeks episode is called Why Now?   Well, what other time is there?  The past is but a memory, the future just imaginary.  They say that history is just one thing after another.  Bruce says now is all that is. All else is illusion.  Bruce says this because God told him so.  Can God speak to an ice cream man…and does this ice cream man belong on the same stage as Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer?  You decide.  We cordially invite you to take a look tomorrow so you’ll have some basis on which to form your opinion.  If you like what you see, please feel free to tell all your friends.

Thank you all very much and we’d like to say, again, how glad we are to be a part of the Patheos family.

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