Young Messiah: Sign up for a Free Cinema Novena to the Holy Family

Young Messiah: Sign up for a Free Cinema Novena to the Holy Family March 11, 2016










The Daughters of St. Paul invite you to join them for a “cinema novena” to the Holy Family that will feature exclusive content from the movie The Young Messiah.

The novena begins officially on Friday, March 11th and ends on Saturday, March 19th, the feast of St. Joseph Patron of Families, (but you can start and end it at any time).

Every day you’ll receive a theme to meditate and pray with, joining with the Daughters of Saint Paul and many others in daily invocations of the Holy Family.

To sign up to participate in this cinema novena of prayer, just visit:

You’ll be able to view clips from The Young Messiah movie (opening March 11th), meditate with Scripture and pray a Litany to the Holy Family to help inspire you to consider different areas where you can grow in faith and trust in imitation of the Holy Family during this Year of Mercy.

Please invite your family, religious education class, adult faith-formation class, parish, and schools to join in as well!

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