May 6, 2024

   Don’t get mad or just dismiss when a Christian says Jesus is the answer to this culture of hate and fear. Let me try to explain to those who just blanket reject the idea that Jesus is the answer and explain why it is a viable solution or at least a step in the right direction. When Christians say things like this they are sharing experientially things they have witnessed in their own lives and the lives of others... Read more

April 23, 2024

There is nothing more important than the air we breathe to us surface dwellers on Earth. Most cannot hold their breath for longer than 30 seconds to 2 minutes. There are exceptions of course and at this writing, Budimir Šobat (Croatia), a 56-year-old free diver, has proven he’s unrivaled at the skill. On March 27, 2021, he broke the record for the longest time breath held voluntarily (male) with a staggering time of 24 minutes 37.36 seconds. Wow! We cannot see... Read more

April 18, 2024

I strive to never let a day go by that I do not allow my bare feet to feel the earth beneath my feet. There is something about your bare feet walking upon the surface of this planet that is like your skin touching the skin of your closest friend as you walk. I do not wish to be of some city with paved streets. It is out in the wild where I feel most alive. It is out there... Read more

April 17, 2024

    One of my favorite inspiring movies is V For Vendetta. There is one character in the movie named Evey that is arrested and they shave her head and when she is released she is standing in the rain looking upward and she says something that stuck with me “God is in the rain.” It is so true. God is everywhere. He is in the rain. He is in the water. He is in the fire. He is omnipresent. He... Read more

April 12, 2024

    Do you know what I have found out about spirituality? That the less I try to understand it the better I understand it. People historically have tried to conjure up, wind up, pay up and work up something into an image or religion and call what they have invented God for a long time. The reality is true spirituality is not something we can put on the shelf of a church to be taken down on Sundays. True spirituality... Read more

April 10, 2024

Have you ever thought about nature having a spiritual side? I know all too well the power of the Creator and the creation. To think that creation, nature and the great outdoors are just something to enjoy as leisure and recreation is to miss out on a whole dimension of what it truly is. Here in North America as well as in other parts of the world the Earth is tilting closer to the sun’s exposure and giving us what... Read more

April 4, 2024

True Spirituality is more all-encompassing than most think. It is also more universal than most think. God has been God before the beginning of this planet. So, in the beginning, picture a great ether in perfect harmony and balance. It was not some impersonal force but indisputable and pure truth that was and is. I use the term ‘ether’ quite often but you may call call it ‘the mind of God’ or the omnipresence of God if you wish. Just... Read more

April 4, 2024

It is not as complicated as most people and religions make it out to be. In fact, the less we think about it the better we understand it. I like to picture all religions as branches connected to the same tree. The problem is religions end up making the branch more important than the tree it is connected to. Can a branch survive apart from the tree it is connected to? Of course not. Yet religious people continually pick up... Read more

March 28, 2024

Enlightenment does not mean at some point you ‘arrive’ at and you are there and the race is over and you suddenly become spiritually and intellectually superior to everyone else. I believe life goes on and you will learn more and you will change and adjust and continually be forming into the best version of yourself. As I offered earlier in my definition of enlightenment I do not believe it is some point you ‘arrive’ at and you are there... Read more

March 28, 2024

When using the term ‘enlightenment’ I would venture to say that most people immediately think of Buddhism or some Eastern Indian religion. I would like to propose it is not exclusive to Buddhism and far Eastern religions and it isn’t some mystical out-of-body experience as I have heard various gurus from India expound. Like many aspects of spirituality, this is usually one of those carrots dangled just out of reach of the regular person so the person who claims it... Read more

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