What a girl wants

What a girl wants January 3, 2015

Our youngest has been having a tough time of it lately. With everyone else constantly on the go for the past two weeks, she’s been feeling a little left out as the only person who always stayed at home. This morning as Ella and I set off for basketball practice, she melted down sobbing “I just want to go….”

Her daddy scooped her up, and took her to the local coffee shop for hot chocolate and some one-on-one time. Half an hour later, he sent me a text message that said “She’s very chatty.”

Half an hour after that, she was still talking.

Before they headed back towards the house, he sent me this picture of her with an I-said-cheese smile on her face.


By the time I got home, she was a much happier little girl.

“Y’all aren’t so hard to figure out.” Her dad told me. “All it takes to keep a girl happy is getting out of the house once in a while, something to drink, some chocolate to eat, and someone to listen until you’re done talking.”

Sounds just about right to me.


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