Here you will find the publications of author Rebecca Keene. Also, you can learn more about Rebecca on the About page and her Amazon Author page.
Ongoing Publications:
Read Rebecca’s works of fiction at the link below.
Read her twice-weekly column on at the link below.
2021 Publications:
Faith Under the Rainbow: Reclaiming the Truth about Homosexuality and the Bible
By Rebecca Keene
Publisher: Independently published (December 27, 2021)
Explores the Biblical texts relating to sexuality in their original languages and culture. This is to prove that the Bible is not a homophobic text and is LGBTQ-accepting.
Finally, here is an excerpt;
“It is the purpose of this book to explore the Biblical texts, which are commonly used against the LGBT community, in their original context and language to prove that G-d and the Biblical text are not against the LGBT community. Here you will learn about the Hebrew language, Jewish law and customs, life amongst the Canaanites, and larger underlying Biblical themes. We will explore Biblical versus dealing with sexuality and gender in a safe loving space. We will walk through a world that is gone but not yet forgotten and a time that has left its mark on all of history.
This book is meant to set the LGBT community free of the condemnation and guilt thrust upon them by the modern Christian community, but it is also meant to educate that same community in a safe and non-judgmental space. For only through education and honest dialogue can we begin to heal the wounds that plague our community and our churches. The book is made up of blogs and sermons, written over many years. Those blogs and sermons have been shared and expanded on here, to bring the full truth of the Biblical text, as it relates to sexuality, to the public. “
Finally, 2024 Publications:
Coming Soon:
The Gender and Sexuality of G-d!
I have already written and released a blog about this topic on Patheos. Therefore, you should check out our previous post The Gender and Sexuality of G-d. It offers a nice preview of the book’s content. Excitingly, the book should be available for pre-order later this year. When it becomes available, this page will be updated with a link to purchase the book. So, stay tuned!