Is Chivalry Dead or On Life Support?

Is Chivalry Dead or On Life Support? February 26, 2010

In the wee hours of the morning, I am at a lab to get some blood work done. I came early to beat the crowd and squeeze it in before work. Great intentions.

The lobby was full when I arrived, giving me fair indication I'd be standing until a person had been called back. I stood for awhile, until a seat opened. A few minutes later, an elderly woman came in. She stood for a moment and I eyed the room of mostly males who were ignoring her like she was selling something.

You already know I gave up my seat or I wouldn't be telling you this. But even after I stood, other seats opened and other men dove after them like a good old-fashioned cake walk game, even though women were standing.

Just now an older woman asked a young teen sitting on the floor if she wanted the open seat. The teen of course didn't need it but she darted in the chair. I'm thinking the woman was only trying to be courteous before resting her own feet.

Is it just me or is something weird about this? Is it a southern thing to give up your seat for an elder? What do you think?

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