Tom Nelson: A Pastor Learns to Connect Sunday Worship with Monday Work

Tom Nelson: A Pastor Learns to Connect Sunday Worship with Monday Work August 27, 2012

In this video, Tom Nelson explains that, as a pastor, he struggled to connect Sunday life with week day work.

He says that his recent book Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work came out of his own inadequacy. The book is available from (re)integrate partner, Hearts & Minds Bookstore.

Tom says,

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“This book has come out of my own inadequacy, and that’s part of the health of the book.… I missed this. To my congregation, I apologized because I didn’t have a rich enough theology to help equip them to follow God where they were called. I made a big mistake of not communicating a rich theology of work that goes through all of Scripture, and I did not help them apply it to their context. And I used language that created a dichotomy, when Scripture shows a seamless integrity about this faithfulness of honoring God in our work. That impacted my ministry and hindered them from fully being the people God created them to be. I thank God that he gives us a second chance and gives us grace. The book comes out of that where I really missed it.”

“…If we miss the central thread of work and vocation throughout Scripture, we are really not equipping people the ways we are called to equip them as pastors. So the first thing I would say is that every pastor or leader needs to really look at the Scriptures and to build a really solid theology of vocation. The theology of vocation is really a theology of the whole Christian life. That’s what I was missing, the fullness of it. Then, begin to teach on it. Celebrate it… It really helps people make sense of their life. One of the things that I hear over and over again in different vocations of people that I work with, ‘Tom, tell me that what I do every day really matters.’ So many people live under a drudgery, a theology, that what we do doesn’t matter. The theology of work and vocation is transformative at every level in people’s lives.”

At the end of the video around 10:00, Tom Nelson also comments on how a good theology of work can help people who are struggling with unemployment.

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