How Do We Glorify God in the Workplace? (Video)

How Do We Glorify God in the Workplace? (Video) May 1, 2013

Over at The High Calling (where I serve as the editor for the “Faith” Channel), J.B. Wood (the editor for the “Work” Channel) has offered several video insights on the reintegration of work and faith.

J. B. points out that working for God does not just mean professional ministry. Everyone has a vocation, even if it isn’t to become a member of the clergy. This vocation reaches out to the whole of our lives, not just when we’re in church, or participating in specifically “spiritual” activities. God calls to all of us, for all of us.

J. B. insists that the work we do and the relationships we cultivate can glorify God just because we do them, not just as an opportunity for evangelism.

When we contribute to the flourishing of our communities, when we act with compassion and integrity, when we do something well—even if no one will ever notice—we are doing God’s work. When you think about it, isn’t that a pretty good basis for evangelism anyway?

Want to hear more? You can find this and dozens more videos over at The High Calling YouTube Channel.

J. B. Wood is the Senior Vice President of The Clemens Family Corporation.

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