Saved for a Mission – with JR Rozko

Saved for a Mission – with JR Rozko December 7, 2020

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Episode Description:

God’s invitation for us to join his mission in our every-day lives

What are we saved for?

God’s inviting us to join his mission to reconcile all things back to himself. JR Rozko helps Bob and Brendan understand the connections between salvation, discipleship, and mission.

Salvation is the embodied experience of participating in what God is now doing in the world. “Discipleship is less about me trying to be like Jesus, and more about me trying to live my life as though Jesus were me.”

JR is the Executive Director of The Telos Collective, a national church leadership training organization of the Anglican Church in North America. They teach, train, and coach a new generation of church leaders to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom, to engage culture, to create missional congregations, to experience the presence and peace of God, and to be formed into the likeness of Christ.

JR is a graduate of Malone University and Fuller Theological Seminary, where he received a Master’s degree focused on a missiology of Western Culture and a Doctorate in Missiology exploring the relationship between salvation and discipleship in churches within Post-Christendom.

After 12 years of ministry in diverse local church contexts focused on youth, young adults, and congregational formation, JR co-founded Missio Alliance, helping thousands of diverse church leaders to have theological conversations on how we participate in God’s mission in our day.

As an Anglican priest, JR along with his wife Amy now serve as Co-Lead Pastors of First Church of the Resurrection, a two-century-year-old church in Canton, Ohio. They have three children, Aubrey, Junia, and Aidan.

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