Rev. Dr. Margaret Somerville is a Quaker educator and a Presbyterian minister. Margaret has taught Latin and language studies for most of her career. The focus of her work in education is the way language shapes how we see ourselves in the world. The focus of her ministry is embracing the practices of a variety of traditions to deepen our connection to the divine. Director of Alignment: Interfaith Contemplative Practices, retreat leader, and associate member of the Iona Community. Find out more about Margaret’s work at
Margaret says this about her Patheos contributions, “I write a contemplative column for Patheos about the different ways in which we find and share our practices of prayers across traditions. And for me, the very act of writing for Patheos embodies this practice. It is a space in which I can share the experiences and thoughts that shape my journey of faith. There is always the hope that there will be resonance with some who read and that some will find answers, connections, or wonderings. But in and of itself, this is a practice for me to engage my journey with the topics that touch my life as I learn and grow through engagement with different traditions.”
She offers this up to other Patheos writers, “Engage one thought at a time. But have a place to jot down all of the other thoughts that arise alongside that one thought, all of the paths that are to be taken in another article. In this way, one article will lead to the next and the next. Focus on the one thought that the reader might hold with them after reading your article. Of course, you will expand on that thought, offering supportive reflections, quotes, illustrations, and queries. But what is the simplest message that you are communicating? Perhaps that one thought will be a mantra for someone as they walk and breathe throughout their day.”