Keeping Track of Comments

Keeping Track of Comments October 1, 2007

One feature I wish my Blogger blog had was the option to subscribe to comments, which would allow the comments section of the blog to become a forum for ongoing discussion and conversation, should anyone desire to use it that way. Many blogging sites do not offer this option, however, which is why I thought I’d mention a few alternative ways of keeping track of comments (and not merely blog entries, which one can easily track with RSS feeds).

First, there is Commentful, found at This will allow you to add and track comments through Firefox, an RSS feed, or in several other ways.

Next, CoComment, found at, allows one to add additional features to many blogging platforms, as well as track comments from various sites and forums.

Third, yet another place to look for a similar service is at

// this ensures coComment gets the correct values
coco =
tool : “MyBlogTool”,
siteurl : “”,
sitetitle : “Exploring Our Matrix”,
pageurl : “”,
pagetitle : “Keeping Track of Comments”,
author : “James McGrath”,
formID : “commentform”,
textareaID : “comment”,
buttonID : “submit”

// this activates coComment

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