God’s Wife

God’s Wife March 26, 2008

No, this post isn’t about Asherah – although that would be an interesting topic. No, this post follows up on an earlier one inspired by a student’s comment in class about whether God, as depicted in the Bible, is an abusive husband. Books like Hosea and Jeremiah that use the metaphor of Israel and Judah as unfaithful wives do not address the issue of whether that justifies various punishments by the husband. Anyway, the student in question has pursued the subject further on her own blog. The main point she arrives at is a question: should we treat our spouses the way God is depicted as treating his, or should we reconceive the way we think about God’s relationship to his people in accordance with what we think it is appropriate for husbands to do today? Please do take a look and leave a comment over there, as well as here!

I also have to share the recent post on Codex about “satan” in the Book of Job, not only because it is a subject I touch on in class, but because it is connected via a cartoon with Star Trek. Not to be missed!

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