Inerrancy in Poster Form

Inerrancy in Poster Form December 29, 2008

Above I offer my understanding of inerrancy’s circular logic in poster form.

I apologize if my statements about “literalism” and “inerrancy” are not couched in the language of friendly dialogue that I usually strive for. But the truth is that supporters of these viewpoints bully other Christians, and make them feel as though they are being unfaithful to God, the Bible and the Church by questioning them. I know this from experience – including being on the bullying side in the past, for which I humbly apologize.

The irony is that, while supporters of Biblical inerrancy claim to be defending Biblical authority, in actual fact their viewpoint is such that even evidence from the Bible itself is not allowed to call into question the doctrine of inerrancy. That doctrine, rather than God or the Bible, ends up being their ultimate authority.

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