Is The Event the Anti-LOST?

Is The Event the Anti-LOST? November 8, 2010

I was intrigued to notice today that the number of views of my blog post on the ending of LOST had passed the 10,000 mark. It seems that there not only has been but continues to be significant interest in that topic. People are still reflecting on the finale, and looking for explanations. Perhaps this suggests that not answering every question was a successful approach. If they had tied up all loose ends, would people still be talking and blogging about the show, and searching the internet for answers?

Just this morning I was thinking that the new TV show The Event, hoped by some to be the “new LOST,” seems more like the “anti-LOST.” Whereas LOST raised questions and kept us in suspense while tantalizing us with possible answers over the course of many seasons, The Event is quickly providing answers to questions we didn’t have: who are the inmates at Inostranka (where?!), what secrets was Leila Buchanan’s father keeping (who?!), and so on. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but for those who are watching the show primarily as a means of dealing with LOST withdrawal, this may not be the patch they need.

As an aside, oddly enough, the most frequent keyword leading people to this blog is “fireworks.” Twice as many people got here via that keyword as the second highest, which is “lost ending.” Go figure…

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