Atheism, Animal Apocalypse, Apophaticism and Assorted Other Stuff around the Blogosphere

Atheism, Animal Apocalypse, Apophaticism and Assorted Other Stuff around the Blogosphere January 7, 2011

Dennis Venema tells part one of a tale of three creationists.

P. Z. Myers explains how Ken Ham encourages atheism (and gay marriage).

Greg Laden explains that what is happening at present is not that unusually large numbers of animals are dying, but unusually large numbers of media outlets are reporting it.

On the other hand, a clear sign of the imminent end of the world is that Marcus Borg will be speaking at ETS! 🙂

Paul Harvey compares reading selections from the Constitution to reading the Bible selectively.

Bob Cargill mentions news about shifting magnetic poles and asks the question on everyone’s mind: how does this relate to LOST? Bob also shares a book review that comes with a cut-out warning label that can be stuck to the book in question (OK, not really, but almost!).

Paul Wallace discusses apophatic theology and atheism as a mirror image of the kind of theism it rejects.

And finally, Stephen Colbert, Bill O’Reilly and Neil de Grasse Tyson join forces to prove the existence of God – and it turns out to be the moon (HTMarc Cortez and Matthew Paul Turner.

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