Around the Biblioblogosphere

Around the Biblioblogosphere February 15, 2011

The Center for the Study of Christian Origins has audio recordings of talks by James D. G. Dunn and N. T. Wright.

Dan McClellan shares that Proceedings of the British Academy can be read/downloaded online. Volume 143 is on the history of ancient Israel.

Mark Goodacre discusses the honest fear of accidental plagiarism.

Arni Zachariassen shares a story about Zombie Lazarus.

Daniel Kirk has a post about Greek accents with a great title.

Irenicum (in response to a question at Internet Monk) reflects on teaching about science in church.

Ed Babinski reflects on the flat earth myth.

Steve Caruso shares information every time traveller needs – how to tell someone you love them in Galilean Aramaic.

The Lead explains the practical benefits of a theologically dubious belief: that God is on your side and thus you cannot fail.

John Hobbins shares outlines and links for a course on the Bible and current events.

Don’t forget to vote for your top 10 favorite biblioblogs for this month.

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