What Can/Can’t Christianity Exist Without?

What Can/Can’t Christianity Exist Without? July 3, 2011

My post asking a “what if” question about the Talpiot Tomb sparked some comments about what Christianity does or does not require in order to “survive.” Having just visited Israel, I have fresh in my mind the fact that, while some Jews are persuaded that some or all of the claims in the Bible and other sources relevant to their faith are literally true, many others (including most famously Reconstructionists) are persuaded that not only a literal Exodus can go but even the traditional depiction of God.

The Israel Museum includes display cases full of evidence that challenge what the Bible and traditional beliefs say on various subjects.

Is there any reason why Christianity could not only survive but thrive while evolving in similar ways to more progressive forms of Judaism? Is there anything inherently different about Christianity, especially given that Christianity itself emerged as a form of Judaism? If you think there is something, or nothing, without which Christianity would lose its reason for existence or its intrinsic nature, please say what it is and why.

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