Happy Bultmann’s Birthday

Happy Bultmann’s Birthday August 20, 2011

Jim West posted several entries on his blog connected with the fact that today is the anniversary of the birth of Rudolf Bultmann. Although I appreciate his New Testament work, it is his theological work that I value most. Although many have misconceptions about his idea of “demythologization,” what it is, in essence, is an expression of two core convictions: that it is not possible and not necessary to adopt a first-century pre-scientific worldview in order to be a Christian, and that the message of the Christian Gospel – mythology and all – can be translated for people today.

If you have never read anything by him, but only heard people say things about him – or have never heard of him – then today is a good day to rectify that.

I recommend most of all his classic two-part essay in Kerygma and Myth on “The Mythological Element in the Message of the New Testament and the Problem of its Re-interpretation,” which you can read online for free at Religion Online. There are also other things by or about him on the same site.

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