Have We Been Going About This All Wrong? Fun With Conspiracy Theories

Have We Been Going About This All Wrong? Fun With Conspiracy Theories October 19, 2011

A cartoon from XKCD (HT P. Z. Myers) illustrates a different approach to conspiracy theories: combating like with like.

How might that be applied to some of the conspiracy theories that regularly get discussed here?

I wonder what would happen if someone played mythicists’ conspiracy theories off against others: Might one, for example, be able to convince some mythicists that Paul depicted a purely celestial Jesus, but did so to try to cover up the truth that there was indeed a historical Jesus, but he was gay?

I wonder what would happen if someone played creationism’s conspiracy theory game and encouraged them to go further down the same road and around the bend, to the point where they are open to being persuaded that anti-evolutionism is the result of atheist scientists infiltrating Christian circles, and offering lame and unpersuasive criticisms of mainstream science in order to discredit Christianity and hinder the spread of the Gospel.

What do you think? How might you have fun playing one conspiracy theory off against another? And perhaps more importantly, is there any way that one can utilize the love some people have for conspiracy theories to help them move closer to the truth?

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