The Wrong Kind of Christian? President Obama and Evangelical Voters

The Wrong Kind of Christian? President Obama and Evangelical Voters December 13, 2011

I found the article in today’s New York Times about Evangelical voters striking. The attitude of those mentioned in or interviewed for the article seems to be “anyone but Obama.” They would prefer a “big government Republican” to a “big government Democrat.” They would prefer a Mormon and a person with a history of infidelity to Obama. Why? Is he “the wrong kind of Christian” and if so, in what sense? Or is this just more evidence that Evangelicals really do believe that it is “by their fruits you will know them” and that they believe the relevant spiritual and moral fruit includes tax cuts for the rich and has nothing to do with either theology or fidelity to one’s spouse?

Yet more evidence that even conservative, so-called Bible-believing Christians are selective in their reading of the Bible, and in the importance they give to morality and theology of candidates, in ways that they deny being?

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