Biblical Studies Carnival Approaches, and the Biblioblogosphere Says Farewell to its LOLCat Epicenter

Biblical Studies Carnival Approaches, and the Biblioblogosphere Says Farewell to its LOLCat Epicenter July 26, 2012

Jim West drew attention today to the fact that Phil Long will be hosting the next Biblical Studies Carnival, featuring posts from this month, July 2012, and has asked for submissions.

Phil has also taken it upon himself to take up Jim Linville’s fallen mantle, and organize the upcoming Biblical Studies Carnivals, since Jim’s blog has, alas…how shall I put it? Ah, I know…

Mate, that blog wouldn’t “voom” if you put four million volts through it! It’s bleedin’ demised! It’s passed on! That blog is no more! It has ceased to be! It’s expired and gone to meet its maker! It’s a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed it to the blogosphere it’d be pushing up the daisies! Its metabolic processes are now ‘istory! It’s off the twig! It’s kicked the bucket, it’s shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!! THAT IS AN EX-BLOG!!


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