Disqus Comments

Disqus Comments July 13, 2012

I’ve heard from a couple of people that there seem to be issues with Disqus comments loading properly. It sounds as though the problem may be limited to Internet Explorer, although it is hard to tell. They seem to load fine for me – sometimes a little slowly, when there are lots of comments. Since I installed the new updated version of Disqus, the comments have seemed to look and function better for me personally. It reverted to nested comments, which may or may not be a good thing.

I’m posting this to let those who are experiencing issues know that the problem is being worked on by the folks at Patheos. I will let you know when I have updates. I also want to ask for feedback on the current set up of Disqus comments as well as to ask that you communicate any issues you may be having with Disqus or any other aspect of the blog’s functionality. While that might seem nonsensical – if you are having issues with commenting, how can you comment? – it is always possible as a short-term workaround to visit here using a different browser.

So if you are experiencing issues, let me know. The more people who let me know when things aren’t working, the more information I can pass on to those who are in a position to fix things – and usually if it is a problem that many are experiencing, the urgency with which it will be addressed increases.

Apologies to those who’ve been suffering silently as things have malfunctioned!

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