A Liar Twice Over: Ken Ham Rushes In Where Rick Warren Feared To Tread

A Liar Twice Over: Ken Ham Rushes In Where Rick Warren Feared To Tread August 10, 2012

Remember not so long ago, when Rick Warren seemed to be linking the Aurora shooting to evolution, but later offered an explanation that that was not what he meant?

Ken Ham and his organization Answers in Genesis apparently have no such qualms.

Here’s what’s been added to their “Graffiti Alley,” as Hemant Mehta pointed out today:

I am not sure which is more offensive, the fact that the museum does this sort of thing, or Ken Ham’s comment on his blog, where he said this:

One of the most recent additions is a headline regarding the recent tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado. Of course, we don’t say evolution causes social problems, but it can certainly fuel them, which we show in a new exhibit downstairs on the connection between racism and Darwinian thinking.

So he is saying “Of course, we don’t say evolution causes social problems” but then goes right ahead and adds a headline about a recent tragedy in a museum part of the mission of which is to undermine mainstream science by spreading misinformation about evolution.

So on top of the lie that is the inclusion of the headline, there is the lie about what “we don’t say.”

Is there anyone to whom it is not clear that Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis are liars twice over?

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