Have an Intelligently-Designed Creationmas

Have an Intelligently-Designed Creationmas December 18, 2012

Here’s a spoof version of a classic Christmas carol that I wrote some years ago, sarcastically and satirically highlighting what happens when fundamentalists shift the focus of their Christianity from God and Jesus onto other matters such as the age of the earth:

We wish you a Merry Creationmas

We wish you a Merry Creationmas

We wish you a Merry Creationmas

And a happy new year (the first of which was less than 10,000 years ago)

Don’t stop at the manger

Don’t stay at the cross

On your way to creation –

Or you might just get lost!

We wish you an intelligently-designed Creationmas

We wish you an intelligently-designed Creationmas

We wish you an intelligently-designed Creationmas

And an irreducibly complex new year!

All cdesign proponentsists

Be ye of good cheer:

We’ll be changing our name again

Within the next year!

We wish you a Merry Creationmas

We wish you a Merry Creationmas

We wish you a Merry Creationmas

And a happy new year (no need to acknowledge other calendars)

Just drive your big cars

With us you’ll get far

We deny global warming –

Not just the distance to stars!

We wish you a Merry Creationmas

(is it me or is it getting warm in here?)

We wish you a Merry Creationmas

(Wow, no snow yet? Huh!)

We wish you a Merry Creationmas

(Gee, is that a Tsunami?)


And here’s an image of what else can go wrong when creationism and Christmas meet, courtesy of IO9:

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