Young-Earth Creationism vs. Sodom and Gomorrah

Young-Earth Creationism vs. Sodom and Gomorrah May 7, 2013

In the Biblical story about Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham pleads with God to spare the cities even if just a certain minimum number of righteous people are found in it. Eventually he bargains God down to ten. The story then unfolds that, although there aren’t that many righteous people to be found in the city, God’s angels still spare Lot and his family.

I wonder what would happen if God were to declare that judgment was coming on young-earth creationism in a similar fashion. If a modern-day Abraham were to convince God to spare the movement if ten truthful and honest people could be found in it, would the movement be spared, or would fire and brimstone rain down upon it?

The only honest young-earth creationist I can think of is Todd Wood. So let’s call him a modern-day Lot.

Are there others? Could you find ten? Or are all of them willing participants in dishonesty and deception – whether they be full-fledged charlatans like Ken Ham or Kent Hovind, or simply people who’ve bought into the lies of such purveyors of misinformation, when they could easily have fact-checked their claims and seen through them?

If young-earth creationism’s survival depended on finding ten honest adherents to its stance, would it survive or be burned to a cinder?

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