Another Way Young-Earth Creationism is Unbiblical

Another Way Young-Earth Creationism is Unbiblical November 10, 2013

Young-earth creationism takes it upon itself to do something that none of the Biblical authors does.

Even though there were lots of different views in Mesopotamia and Egypt, and later in Greece and Rome, about the processes involved in nature, we never see a Biblical author challenge any of those views. Not one.

Sometimes, however, they do simply accept those views – such as when Paul treats the heart as the location of human thought rather than the brain, following Aristotle; or when Genesis 1 sees creation as splitting water and putting a dome or arch in place to hold up the waters above. But even then, there is no attempt to combat other viewpoints, or to call anyone to accept this depiction of how the natural order works rather than another.

You can fact-check this claim. Read the entire Bible carefully, cover to cover. You won’t find anyone anywhere doing what young-earth creationism does.

And so when young-earth creationism challenges what scientists say about the natural world, it is not only not Biblical, it is departing dramatically from the example of the Biblical authors.

For them to claim their stance as “Biblical” is the exact opposite of the truth.

(Click here to see the discussion in comments on another post which inspired this one).

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