Quelle Erat Demonstrandum

Quelle Erat Demonstrandum January 27, 2014

The Jesus Blog has a poll, asking “Do You Q?” Please click through and vote! I'd also be interested to hear your thoughts on the subject here.

Mark Goodacre also discussed Q skepticism in the context of the academy on his blog recently.

It also came up in discussion of another post here, whether the quotation of a saying of Jesus in 1 Timothy 5:18, attributing it to “Scripture,” could be a quotation from Q rather than from the Gospel of Luke. Unfortunately the dating of both 1 Timothy and Luke are hard to pin down, making the direct knowledge of one by the other impossible to exclude. But it is an interesting possibility!

Finally, here's a contribution to the Ryan Gosling meme (HT Nicola Denzey Lewis on Facebook).


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