Selective Rejection of Evidence

Selective Rejection of Evidence April 22, 2014

Young-earth creationists say that housecats, tigers, and all felines descended from one pair of cat “kind” after the flood, positing ultra-fast evolution in order to do so.

They also say that humans could not have descended from a common ancestor with chimpanzees and other primates even over millions of years.

The hypocrisy is astounding, as is the fact that anyone accepts these young-earth creationist claims.

Here are links to more information about the genomes of felines and primates (including us).

Note too that what young-earth creationists deny is something that the Bible itself says. Ecclesiastes 3:18 says:

I said to myself concerning humans, “God has surely tested them in order for them to see that they are but animals.”

A number of translations insert a word such as “like” to avoid the meaning of the Hebrew text being conveyed to readers. And so conservative Evangelical Bible translations often reinforce the entrenched opposition to science by obscuring in translation those things in the Bible that might help readers.


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