Young-Earth Creationism and Unicorns

Young-Earth Creationism and Unicorns February 13, 2015

Unicorns and Creationism Rachel Ford quote

Creationism is lousy theology that leaves its proponents looking ridiculous in ways that more intellectually flexible believers are spared. But it’s lousy theology masquerading as actual science — something it’s even worse at than theology. When science asks a question, it seeks the answer — wherever that journey leads, whatever that answer is. When Creationism asks a question — “Unicorns in the Bible?” — it’s not looking for an answer… it offers one as absolute truth and grabs at whatever fact or rhetoric can be plugged in as needed, in order to cobble together the semblance of a supporting argument.”

The quote by Rachel Ford comes from the blog Friendly Atheist. The post is about an online article from Answers in Genesis which says, “To think of the biblical unicorn as a fantasy animal is to demean God’s Word, which is true in every detail.”

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