Would Discovering Extraterrestrial Life Make us – and them – Platonists, Mormons, or Atheists?

Would Discovering Extraterrestrial Life Make us – and them – Platonists, Mormons, or Atheists? May 16, 2015

The Week featured an article a while back which suggested that the discovery of alien life would turn us all into atheists or Mormons. Matthew Ferguson recently mentioned a number of issues which would, at the very least, raise issues for traditional Christian theology.

In an article which quoted me (even if it gets my name and role wrong), Gizmodo explored similar issues related to the development of artificial intelligence. That article also focused on the work of Christopher Benek, whom I mentioned recently, and who has explored the intersection of Christianity and robots in interesting ways.

According to IO9, NASA seems to be cranking its search for extraterrestrial life into high gear. And so these subjects may not be merely theoretical forever.

Which religious traditions do you think will flourish or struggle in response to the discovery of extraterrestrial life?

See also yesterday’s post “Jesus: Out Of This World.”


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