The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible

The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible July 22, 2016

The first Patheos Book Club that I was invited to participate in, unless I am mistaken, was for the book The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (Sacred Activism) by Charles Eisenstein. Unfortunately the timing led to a long delay in my being able to review the book, and eventually a decision to set it aside and come back to it. A long time has passed since then, but given that I finished the book, I thought I would blog about it even though the book club is long since over.

One reason I didn’t finish on time was my frustration with the book. On the one hand, the author offers a vision of a better way of relating to others and to the world of which we are a part. On the other hand, the author unnecessarily couples this to belief in crop circles and other “New Agey” kinds of things which, despite his protestations, are not rejected only because of a profound negative emotional reaction to them, but because we find the evidence for them lacking and/or the evidence against them cogent.

You can read the book online on the author’s website.

I left this as a draft post for a long time, but thought that I might as well share it and see what others think. Have you ever found someone saying so many things that you consider wrong and unnecessary that it undermines any enthusiasm you might have had for the things they say that you agree with?

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