Digital Orientalisms Twitter Conference #CFP

Digital Orientalisms Twitter Conference #CFP March 22, 2019

I saw this call for a “Twitter Conference” on Digital Orientalisms, and not only did the conference and its subject matter grab my interest, but so too did the form this unconventional conference will take:

Digital Orientalisms – A Twitter Conference Organised by the Digital Orientalist (#DOsTC)

Inspired by projects, such as the Public Archaeology Twitter Conference, the Digital Orientalist has decided to organize a Twitter Conference which will take place on 31st May and 1st June 2019. Below is an explanation of the conference’s theme and its Call for Papers.

Digital Orientalisms

The digital humanities are a burgeoning discipline in which Africanists, Middle East and Asia specialists are discovering and building new technological and digital solutions and approaches to the study of the histories, languages, peoples, religions, societies, and cultures of their object of study. With little communication between disciplines and confined to our own geographic areas of study, there are few means through which fellow scholars and the public can follow research advancements in these interconnected fields. This conference aims to provide a space through which scholars can bring their research in the Digital Humanities to a wider academic and public audience.

We believe that the format of a Twitter Conference, conducted as it is through a digital platform is highly suited to the Digital Humanities as a field of research. Twitter conferences provide a forum which is inclusive of academics and members of the public, whether they are regular attendees at conferences or whether through whatever circumstances they do not usually have the opportunity to attend conferences in person. They allow us to cross international boundaries and unlike traditional conferences, there are no financial costs for participants, observers, or organizers.

For those unfamiliar with Twitter Conferences, we recommend looking at the website of the Public Archaeology Twitter Conference and searching for the hashtag (#PATC3) of its most recent conference on Twitter. You can also view an explanation offered by the Digital Orientalist, here.

If you have any further questions feel free to contact the Digital Orientalist’s Editor for Japan Studies, James Morris, either through twitter (@JHMorris89) or email (


We seek paper proposals and review proposals from researchers in the Digital Humanities who focus on any facet of the study of Africa, Asia or the Middle East. Although the conference will be conducted in English we will consider papers and reviews in other languages, however, please note that abstracts should be written in English. You can make multiple proposals in both categories.The deadline for proposals is the 31stof March, 2019.

Papers are to be based on original research and will consist of 12-18 tweets during the researcher’s 15-minute time slot. We encourage participants to use media (photographs, videos, maps, timelines, pieces of software, art, links etc.) within their papers.

Reviews are to be similar to classic book reviews in academic journals. Scholars should propose to review a book, project, piece of software, piece of hardware, app or another piece of technology within 8 tweets and a 10-minute time slot. (Please note that the review format is for discussing the projects and work of other people, your own projects and work should be presented as a paper).

Proposals can be made using the Google Form here. (Deadline: 31/03/2019).

Contact Info:

Dr. James Harry Morris (University of Tsukuba)

Have you ever participated in this form of conference? What was particularly useful or noteworthy? What could have been better that future organizers ought to hear about? How likely or unlikely does it seem to you that online conference of this sort or any sort could one day replace the traditional model of traveling to a specific place where thousands of academics converge?

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