Paul Roundup

Paul Roundup January 25, 2021

So what has been happening lately in the study of Paul? Biblical studies blogs, as usual, are a good place to get a sense of things, and that is an important service both to scholars and to the general public. The latter should be asking primarily about the consensus when there is one. The former will know when there is a consensus and if so what it is, and will want to see what is new, not with a view to uncritically embracing it, but to have a sense of what they should be thinking about and perhaps interacting with.

Let me start with this blog post on the Cambridge University Press blog which includes some free articles:

Does Wright Get Paul on Israel Right? Continued Debate « Humanities « Cambridge Core Blog

Next, here’s Publisher’s Weekly surveying some new books about Paul

Lisa Bowens on African-American Readings of Paul

Open access book: Eve-Marie Becker, Der Philipperbrief des Paulus : Vorarbeiten zu einem Kommentar

Finding Paul’s Biography in Josephus: Interview with Felix Asiedu

Book Review: Brant Pitre, Michael Barber, and John Kincaid. Paul, A New Covenant Jew: Rethinking Pauline Theology

Paul Dictated His Letters: How Does *That* Complicate Finding an Original?

“The Way of Christ”: Patristic Reception of Galatians 6:2 (by Cody Matchett)

Mike Bird and Nijay Gupta talk Galatians

Book Review: Galatians: Freedom Through God’s Grace

Paul the slave-master: how early Christians leveraged slaves and their households

What Did Paul Mean by Groaning Creation?

What Was Paul Thinking?

Paul’s Preaching of God’s Word

Christmas thoughts from Ephesians

Time to Rejoice (1 Thessalonians 5)

A Closer Look: Adoption

Did Paul Really Say That?

Paul and the Power of Grace

Book Review: Ben Witherington III and Jason A. Myers, Voices and Views on Paul

What is Romans About?

Meet This Book: Paul and the Power of Grace

African American Readings of Paul

A Closer Look: Damascus

BOOK NOTICE: Matthew J. Thomas, Paul’s “Works of the Law” in the Perspective of Second Century Reception

Did Paul give new names to church leaders and co-workers?

Lionel Windsor on supersessionism and the New Perspective

Interview: Arco den Heijer

What do we know about who wrote the letters attributed to Paul? (3)

Sin as Power

Allen Dwight Callahan, “‘Brother Saul’: An Ambivalent Witness to Freedom”

A Closer Look: Rebirth, Conversion, Inheritance

Thinking Like Christ: Philippians 2:5-8

Pauline Eschatology: Dan Oudshoorn’s 2nd Volume on What Paul is Up to

Perspectives on Paul 11-18-20

Sharing in the Son’s Inheritance

New Testament books reviewed in The Christian Century

Sin and Soteriology in Romans

Sin and its Remedy in Paul

Crown-Wearers and Cross-Bearers

Gabriele Boccacini’s new book about Paul

Receiving the Word of God

He’s Coming Back

“Salvation and the Good Life”: Julien C.H. Smith, Author of Paul and the Good Life

Apostle Paul, N.T. Wright, and Supersessionism – The Debate

Matthew and Paul Agreements # 3 – The Torah?

1 Corinthians 15-16 and the Resurrection of the Body: Concluding Pastoral Concerns

Perspectives on Paul for 10-21-20

Who Was Paul?

Who Was Paul? – Interview with Allan R. Bevere

How To Read Paul

Paul as community organizer

Important Interpretive Questions

James Tabor on Jonathan Z. Smith and his Work on Paul

A Jungian perspective on Paul’s dilemma

A mystery revealed

Tarsus — A Very Unusual Roman Building

Pastoral Epistles Commentary by Chris Hutson

A whole book review series by Ben Witherington:

Gentile Christian Identity— Part One




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